
Anggara Setya Saputra
Andri Trianfano
Sartono Sartono
Gita Nagiyanti
Alfriansa Agustina
Siti Chaerunisa


The Family Hope Program is one of the social protection programs in Indonesia in the form of social assistance. This program is known internationally as Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). The Family Hope Program in Indonesia began in 2007. The short-term goal of the program is to help the burden of spending on very poor households, while the expected long-term goal is to break the chain of poverty between generations. The purpose of this research is to analyze the evaluation of the implementation of the Hope Family Program in Taman Sari Village, Karanglewas District, Banyumas Regency. This study uses descriptive methods with qualitative approaches, where the researcher describes a problem in research conducted based on the answer to the problem. The data collection techniques used in this study are: interviews, observations and documentation. To test the validity of data researchers use the method of source triangulation, namely by checking the data that has been obtained through several sources. From the results of the study it can be concluded that, the evaluation of the implementation of the Family Hope Program has been going well, seen from the process of initial meeting activities, disbursement of assistance, updating beneficiary family data and verification of commitment of family hope program participants. In addition, the Beneficiary Families are also very hopeful that the program can continue in the future. The process of updating data must be further improved considering that there are still underprivileged people who have not been touched by the assistance of the Hope Family Program, and there are still Beneficiary Ministries who receive Family Hope Program assistance but are not in accordance with current conditions. For this reason, coordination and supervision are needed from both the relevant institutions and the Beneficiary Families so that the services provided become more effective and efficient and the purpose of the Family Hope Program can be achieved.


How to Cite
Saputra, A. S., Trianfano, A., Sartono, S., Nagiyanti, G., Agustina, A., & Chaerunisa, S. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE FAMILY HOPE PROGRAM (PKH) IN TAMANSARI VILLAGE, KARANGLEWAS DISTRICT, BANYUMAS REGENCY. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu Dan Praktek Administrasi, 19(2), 235–245. https://doi.org/10.31113/jia.v19i2.889



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