
Baedhowi1 Baedhowi1


Curriculum is believed as one of essential components in the education field that
significantly affects the learning process and results. A good curriculum will be able
to help society to fulfill their needs and to anticipate the facing challenges. Thus, any
study on the curriculum implementation seems relevant to the recent condition of
education field in Indonesia that has been adapting a new school curriculum since the beginning of district autonomy era. This will expectedly result on the availability of curriculum to be the guideline or reference for “...learning environment, teaching
methods, the resources provided for learning, the systems of assessment, the school ethos and the ways in which students and staff behave towards one anotherâ€
(Australian Curriculum Council, 1985). Such a study that has been recently carried
out by the Expert Staff of National Education Minister for Curriculum Development
and Education Media in 9 provinces in Indonesia. Beforehand, the curriculum has
been tried out in 3 other provinces, alternately the Central Java, Bali, and South
Sumatra provinces.


How to Cite
Baedhowi1, B. (2019). KAJIAN EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM DI DAERAH. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu Dan Praktek Administrasi, 2(4), 06. https://doi.org/10.31113/jia.v2i4.488



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