
Sedarmayanti Sedarmayanti


The political system in Indonesia has changed in line with the development of government model. Therefore, the patterns underlying the change of government closely influences the political system. Thus far, the political system of the country seems in quest of an ideal model by understanding and relating to the socio-political phenomena. The most difficult factor to find it  is the radical change of environment that may cause the incremental change of the structure. Apart of  the various development, the goal of the political system seems to be the realization of civil society. To reach the goal, the first step to take is the implementation of good governance.


How to Cite
Sedarmayanti, S. (2018). SISTEM POLITIK INDONESIA MENUJU “CIVIL SOCIETY” (MASYARAKAT MADANI). Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu Dan Praktek Administrasi, 1(2), 51–64.



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