Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi is a scientific journal in administration field which publish papers based on research result, analysis, and critical assessment of administration issues. With ISSN 1829-8974 (print) and e-ISSN: 2614-2597 (online), the journal is managed by Polytechnic of STIA LAN Bandung and has affiliation with Indonesian Association For Public Administration (IAPA) by agreement at number: 208/STIA.2.1.1/KLS.01 and 010/KA-IAPA/I/2020. This synergy is implemented by some editors come from this organization.

Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi (JIA) is a scientific journal particularly, in which the first publication is in 2004 and is focused on the main problems in the development of the sciences of public administration and business administration areas The scope of this journal is, specifically at Development Administration, Economic Development, Public Policy, Development Planning, Public Sector Finance, Service Management, Public Organization, Human Resource Development, Decentralization and Regional Autonomy, Leadership, Public Sector Innovation, E-Government, Management and Business Policy, E-Commerce, Marketing Management, Budget Management, State Company Management.

Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of JIA should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will be rejected by the editors before further reviewed.

Since 2017, JIA has been using Open Journal System requiring all writers to register in advance before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. Afterwards, the editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the manuscript processing. JIA is published twice a year in June and December

Bandung Government Digital Strategy for Land and Building Tax Payment Systems
Ariq Naufal Irawan, Tomi Setiawan
Abstract views: 36 PDF downloads: 15

1-11 Pages

Analysis of Regional Government Financial Performance and Its Impact on Poverty in South Sumatra
apriyadi apriyadi, Alfitri Alfitri, Sriati Sriati, Husni Thamrin
Abstract views: 8 PDF downloads: 8

20-32 Pages

Management of the Information System for Poverty Alleviation at the Lampung Provinsial Regional Development Planning Agency
Yurisman Mapala, Dian Kagungan, Eko Budi Sulistio
Abstract views: 12 PDF downloads: 2

69-77 Pages

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Village Governance on Zero Poverty

A Case of Suci Village, Garut Regency

Nabila Kamila Nabila Kamila, Rd Ahmad Buchari
Abstract views: 13 PDF downloads: 4

33-45 Pages

Initiating Green Innovation: The Role of Green Transformational Leadership in Corporate Sustainability
Aurora Yupita Achmada, Bambang Hermanto, Pratami Wulan Tresna
Abstract views: 18 PDF downloads: 12

46-57 Pages